Raj, a twelve-year-old boy, was heading back home after the school. It was 6’o
clock in the evening and there was a lot of traffic on the road, when suddenly
the clouds grew darker and with a thunderstrike it started to rain heavily. Raj
was bewildered by this sudden onset of events and was unable to find a
shelter. The traffic on the road made him more anxious.
All of a sudden, he heard a lady calling him from behind. To his surprise, she
was a fruit vendor and she asked him to get shelter under her umbrella. Finally,
Raj felt peace under the shelter offered by the lady. Moreover, she cleaned his
rain drenched body and offered him with an apple from her cart. He was
astonished by seeing so much care and affection from a stranger.
After an hour the rain stopped. When he was leaving, he asked the lady, “Why
were you so kind to me, despite we don’t know each other?” The lady grinned
and replied, “Loving others don’t charge you anything, instead it gives you
satisfaction and happiness in return. We all exist due to love and affection we
show to each other.” Raj felt content by the answer and childishly asked, “How
can I offer back the same love in return?”. She replied, “Come again at my stall
and we will have a cup of tea together.”
[P.S. We all longed for love and affection from others and it is soothing to
know that it can come unexpectedly from anyone, anywhere and any day.
In above story, it came from a fruit vendor who didn’t even knew the boy. But,
due to love, in few minutes they developed a connection between them.
Sometimes few moments passed with a person who loves selflessly leaves a
great impact in an individual’s life.]