Corona has proved that everything around us is so temporary. Things, our lives, revolved, gym, malls, movies. Society have all gone for a toss as we are
learning how to live without them. It has taught us that it's your own home & family that keeps you safe.
We may say 2020 a havoc year, a year to bring challenges but challenges make
life beautiful and overcoming these challenges make life meaningful. We should understand that somewhere the year 2020 has brought us new way of living a life.
Let's stretch ourselves, and forgive all the miseries which led to the mental frustration and mental disbalance. Let's cook one day and feed our family. Let's thank almighty
for giving solution to every single problem arrived on the way. Let's pray for
every individual soul died in this pandemic and who are struggling to live. Let's
forgive who troubled us and apologies for all the regrets consuming our soul.
Smile and say thank you for the reason you are brought in this world, whisper and shout loudly for your existence, let your smile be contagious.
Let's give one day to ourselves because "it's not the length of life but the depth of
life which makes us a good human". Just breath in the chilled air and enjoy the sunshine falling on our face, let your cheeks glow and let your hairs fly freely, I am sure
we look beautiful in this look.
Smile and say thank you for the reason you are brought in this world, whisper and shout loudly for your existence, let your smile be contagious.
Say goodbye to 2020, be blessed and be vacant to consume every good thing happening for you and because of you.