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Every person starts dreaming from his childhood, as he grows up, his dreams change many times and sometimes even get broken too. But never be discouraged by breaking of dreams. We must constantly strive for our goals, for our dreams. Dreams are never big or small, dreams are dreams. Now, it is in our hands how hard we can work for those dreams, how much we can study and how many positive thoughts we can develop within ourselves. We should always keep in mind that our family, our friends, our well -wishers are always with us for our dreams, for our wellbeing, we just need to feel their company and talk to them properly when needed. The first step to turn your dreams into reality is to know what our shortcomings are, what our strengths are and what our capabilities are. We should not get discouraged by comparing ourselves with others. Never think of achieving something in one go or in first initiative. Rather, to achieve that thing, take small steps to fulfil that goal, first start small, then increase your hard work, increase your efforts day by day, you will definitely be able to achieve your goal. If you are tired of working hard with controlled effort, then don’t hesitate or worry at all by taking a break for some time.

In case if you fail to achieve any of your goals then instead of feeling like a looser try to learn a lesson from it. Never get frustrated nor disappointed and do not harm yourself at all, try to be calm first and think practically. Never let it have a negative impact on your life. No matter what anyone says, hard work is always the key to success. If someone works very hard to achieve his goal and is dedicated to it with all his heart, then I can say with certainty that no power will stop him from achieving his goal.

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